The Canadian Coalition on Climate Change and Development (C4D) is a coalition of international development and environmental organizations working together to share knowledge and take concerted action to address climate change. C4D was formed in 2006.
Coalition Objectives:
To build the capacity of the international development community to address the challenges climate change poses to sustainable development.
The coalition helps its members acquire new knowledge and understanding to address the risks posed by climate change to development activities. Members share their experiences to enhance our collective knowledge of climate change as a development issue, and the coalition ‘leads by example’ through the development of appropriate tools and methodologies to address climate change mitigation and adaptation in development programming, including reducing our own carbon footprints.
To bring the voice of the international development community to the debate on Canada’s response to climate change.
Through public outreach and dialogue with elected officials and civil servants, C4D promotes government policies that assist developing countries in climate change adaptation, support sustainable energy in development, and integrate climate change into development programming, and achieve deep reductions in domestic greenhouse gas emissions.
How we work
C4D works largely through conference calls and electronic communication, with occasional face-to-face meetings, normally in Ottawa. C4D is governed by a small steering committee composed of representatives from member organizations.
C4D initiatives include:
- Workshops including government, researchers and civil society
- Reports and policy briefs
- Letters and submissions to government
The C4D has no permanent secretariat. It is currently governed by a small Steering Committee. The Steering Committee membership will be re-established every two years. The first review will be January 2014. Two members of the Steering Committee co-chair the coalition.
C4D practice is to include the C4D logo on all coalition documents for consistency. General practice will be to solicit organizational sign-on for letters issued by the Coalition. In other cases, such as governance documents, all members will be invited to approve documents issued by the Coalition. When issues must be addressed urgently, the Chairship will reserve the right to make any necessary decisions which will be communicated to the members.
The C4D works largely through conference calls and electronic communication (an email listserv as well as a members-only forum on the C4D website). The coalition also tries to meet face-to-face in Ottawa a few times a year, including an annual planning meeting in January. All electronic communications are to be considered as confidential within the coalition (unless otherwise noted).
The C4D currently has no core operating budget or bank account. Funds for particular activities are raised through grants or by voluntary contributions from member organizations. C4D members are encouraged to plan their financial contributions in advance, where possible.
To learn more about the members that comprise the coalition, visit our Members page.